The picture above as many others speak a million words. It says victory, bliss, ecstasy, fulfilment, and the two pictures besides that are of people who Liverpool FC are going to depend on today. A legend and one in the making... Gerrard's cousin is also with Cardiff, so if things don't work out, i guess the Gerrad's would be celebrating but we are not going to think like that.
All LFC have to know is what it takes to lose a final against a small team:
Lack of focus (x3)
Lack of Belief (x4)
and a decision to focus on the trophy and celebrations and not the win. Cardiff have more to lose than Pools think. A Glorious opportunity to win an FA cup is not a joke, try Portsmouth who have won it and probably won't do for a long time.Such would play like wildfire in the minds of the players and believe me, it's not Liverpool Vs Cardiff...It's Liverpool Vs CARDIFF. An energised side, and motivated side who want to get hands on the trophy. I believe Daglish would have told them much of these and being a winner of such many times, I Expect a battle there Today...