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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

And the Meaning is?

The addition of  National friendly matches has been a case of club/Versus country, patriotism etc... Now, to the real issue: How many matches is considered as a limit for a footballer to play? because for a player in a top club with about 3-4 titles to Fight for, we are talking atleast 40 games a season. That's enough to get someone fagged out. Also, i thought the main objective of a friendly is for the teams to try out new players but in most cases, the Big nations Just bring the GUNs out. For Instance, the case of England Vs Holland has a couple of injuries to Huntellar, Smalling... and they have clubs to play for. The Country is important but they should work out a way to end this saga if not, people might just choose their Clubs ahead of the country and that would be just plain Sad.

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