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Sunday 26 February 2012

The 5 guns of Arsenal...

The Gunners are back!!!! such were the chants of a large amount of fans just some minutes ago. It was a memorable 26th for Arsenal as they rallied back from 2 goals down. This is what i want the team to do, 2 goals we can make 5-2, 4 goals we can also make 5-4, i hope this infuses belief in the players and the team also. I would have wanted to pick at some gaping holes but since the day is glorious, I would celebrate with Arsenal and tell them that power might just be at the emirates...


Gunner said...

Gunners all the Way.....Hurray!!!!

Arsene said...

Arsene We trust, Harry we Bust, AVB we crush...5-2 to y'all...!!!